Friday, June 30, 2006
New McEverett
Congratulations to my cousin, Catherine, on the birth of her new daughter (nameless at the moment)! There are now SIX grandkids on the Mckee side of the family. Cool. I am sure that Catherine is happy to have another girl in the family to boss around all the boys.
Headed to Alaska
Thursday, June 29, 2006
A Different Breed

I have tried to understand the strange behaviors of women, but gave up long ago. The face painting custom is a strange one, but Kayla immediately understood, and wanted to paint her face as well. The genes are passed on female to female, I guess. Kayla has the female posing genes as well. She loves posing for the camera and has those "model like" poses at the age of 2. Where did she learn that?? Fashion TV?? I think they are embedded genes. Boys certainly don't have those genes.
Mom and Dad....have a great trip to Alaska!!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Vietnam Photo

I didn't have a picture for today, so thought I would share one that I took in Vietnam last April.
Dad has requested photos of our current house which I call "The Camp Site". I will take some this weekend and post them on the blog.
If you haven't seen the movie Cars, go see it. It is fantastic!! We saw it last night, and loved it.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
New Format
My Little Model

Another lazy summer day. I did start work yesterday as the Director of JIS Academy. I had a few problems to solve, but overall it was an easy day. Not much to do today, so will work on lesson plans for next year's classes. I also need to work on my new photo website which I hope to finish before I leave for Thailand.
I made hotel reservations yesterday on-line for Thailand, and Tika is going to get us flights today. It is a gorgeous day out today...I wish I were out on the golf course.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Dinner at Amigos

We had dinner at Amigos last night. It is one of our favorite restaurants with good Mexican food. Usually, we don't bring Kayla with us. We did last night, and she was a hit with the staff and people sitting around us. She was pulling out all her tricks...winking at people, flirting with the guys, throwing kisses, and giving that sweet smile to everyone who passed. I still can't believe how good she was in the restaurant. She sat in her chair for over an hour not once complaining.
Crazy Uncle Tom
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Photos of our Property

I meant to say "curb", not "curve".
There will be a covered entrance for the car to pull up to the privacy wall. You will not be able to see the house from the entrance. You will enter the wall near that tree, and then walk on a small walkway surrounded by fish ponds and stepping stones to a balinese gazebo. The entrance to the house will be about 10 meters or so from the wall.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Another Postcard

When it rains, it pours. I just got another email this morning that the above photo will also be used in publications to advertise diving in Papua. It is one of my favorite photos I have ever taken underwater. Very unique.
I was really surprised this morning to get a phone call on my cell phone from Mom today. Amazing how you can make a small cell phone ring from the other side of the world, and the connection sounded as if she were standing next door. Her call was an important one though, and my reservations are now in stone for next year's trip. We will be staying in a pool-side room. Yes!!
I start to work as the Director of JIS Academy on Monday for two weeks. It pays pretty well, so I don't mind. We will then go to Koh Samui for a week or so for a much needed break on the beach.
The weather today is looking like rain. I have Kayla with me at school....she loves coming here to run around my classroom and look at the fountain. We rode in the "frog" which she also loves. I guess I need to buy another car seat for the frog as it is a pain to switch car seats back and forth. OK....more later.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
5 Page Spread

The newest edition of Jakarta Java Kini magazine is out. There is a 5-page spread on my photos and the book Letters From Aceh. Pretty cool.
In other news, I am meeting a bunch of friends tonight to watch USA try to beat Ghana. It is there last chance to stay in the World Cup. GO USA!!!
I finish my summer school class tomorrow. Next week, I will be covering as the Director of Summer School while Butch is out of town. I will pick up some extra cash which is never a bad thing.
Tika and I have decided on Koh Samui for our brief one-week vacation. It is one of our favorite spots, and I look forward to lounging on the beach, reading books, and good Thai food. Of course, I will take plenty of photos, and keep the blog updated.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
New Beetle

The new "Bug" arrived today. Well, it really is not new. It is a '69 VW. Kayla calls it a "frog", so the new name for the car is "The Frog". I will drive this little car to and from school every day so that the Everest can be used by the girls.
We finally heard from our architect. We had three bids that were way over our budget. Burhan has written to them a detailed list of where cuts can be made or where certain materials were way over priced. The contractors will now submit second bids to answer the requests that Burhan has made. After those new bids come in, we will have sit down with Burhan and make design changes, maybe choose different materials, etc. to further bring the costs down. My friend, Chris, was able to reduce the intial bid by 43%. If we can do the same, we will be within our budget.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Just Published
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Sad News

We heard some very sad news today. Our good friend, Rob Weber, pictured above with Tika, died last night of a heart attack while on vacation in Malaysia. He was on a motorcycle trip with a good friend of his. They stopped to look at a view. Apparently there was some kind of make shift bridge that he walked out on. It gave way, and he fell about 30 feet. He was taken to the hospital to have a bad cut on his leg stitched up. He was still alive. Later, while in the hospital, he suffered from a heart attack. He will really be missed. He was a great guy, a great teacher, and a great friend.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
JIS Academy Field Trip
Photoshop Play
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I didn't have a picture for today, so thought I would just throw this one in to describe my state of mind today. We are dreaming of places to go, but limited by what Why does money always have to get in the way? We are thinking Turkey for a week...but will have to price it out.
I forced myself to go to work today to catch up on things. It is very quiet around here (school).
We did hear from Burhan (our architect) last night. He is sending us via email the proposal from one of the contractors on Saturday. We are getting close.
Golf on Friday. More later...
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Embassy Trip

Took a trip to the embassy today to mail Dad the telephoto lens. It is an all-day affair going there. Traffic was bad as usual. I mailed the lens express mail, and they said it would take four days. So let me know when you get it, Dad. That is all we did today. Mom, we did get another envelope full of mail. Thanks. We are on the way to the mall for some eats and a movie. Later.
New Bed
Monday, June 12, 2006
More Golf

My friend Tom Schulz and I played a round of golf this morning. Our wives had bought us gift certificates for a free round at Sentul, and they were due to expire later this month, so it was decided that we would use them today. Mom and Dad remember Tom well. We both had our moments on the course...good and bad.
There are some people still lurking around Jakarta, and we plan to gather the Americans later tonight to watch the US try to win their first World Cup match of 2006. The game comes on at 11:00 tonight...gonna be a late one.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Hungry Elephant
Moms and Their Daughters
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Too Cute

I couldn't resist posting this photo of Kayla....just too cute.
The World Cup is under way, and a bunch of us are meeting later to watch England try and win one. I am hoping they lose...ahaa haaa....I am in a pool for the Cup which will keep me more interested. Tough to really enjoy the game though...but will give it a try.

Our first day of vacation. I am already thinking we need to get out of here for at least a week...SOMEWHERE. The house is still under negotiations with the contractors that bid on the job. Our architect is working hard on making changes to the plans to bring costs down. As expected the bids were way over our budget. We should be meeting with him later next week to see what ideas he has come up with. In the meantime, it was nice to sleep-in this morning, and take a trip to Cilandak Town Square to buy some J.CO. Donuts....very similar to Krispy Kream Donuts.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Post Card

I received an email from a good friend in Papua that the above photo will be made into a post card along with some of my underwater shots to help promote diving in Irian Jaya (Raja Empat Islands). That is pretty cool.
Sorry for the lack of updates this week. We have our last day of school today. A few good friends are leaving, and there will be many farewell parties to attend today and over the weekend. Our headmaster for the past 15 years is leaving as well. I am looking forward to his speech this morning.
Tika has returned from Yogyakarta. Her sister is doing great, and they have already repaired their house. She said most people prefer to sleep outside because of fears of another earthquake. The next thing they should fear is Mount Merapi. Tika said you could hear it rumbling every 5 minutes or so. I would like to go back there to get more photos, but will resist the tempatation....I got my photos...besides, I won't have my long lens as I am lending it to Dad for his Alaska trip. By the way, Dad, I will mail that on Tuesday.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Hair Cut

It's a Monday morning. As promised, a photo of Kayla and her "trim". She, at only two, is very sensitive about her hair, shoes, and clothes. She has refused a hair cut, but finally said it was ok to trim it. Man, what a head of curls....I can only dream.
I will be a single Dad for a few days as Tika goes to Yogyakarta to visit her sister. She is bringing a few boxes of food to distribute to people who really need it down there. As you have probably seen on the news, it is a mess down there.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Repeat Champion

Well, guess what?? I won. Again. How about that?? It was a very strange day of golf. Believe it or not, I not only won the "golfer of the year" tournament, but I also had the low gross score. That is a first!!....and the low gross score was a 93!! I was the only golfer to break 100 if you can believe it. Our best golfer, Bill, left after playing only six holes. He was so frustrated and angry, he left the course, and drove home. I had a good day on a VERY difficult course. I didn't have a single blow-out hole which is a rare thing for, a good day today.
Tika finally was able to give Kayla a haircut (well, a trim). I will provide a photo tomorrow....very cute. Tika goes to Yogyakarta on Monday to see her sister for a few days. I have lots to do at home and at school to keep me busy. More later....
Friday, June 02, 2006
Grading Exams

It was a day of grading exams. All five of my classes took exams yesterday afternoon, and today I spent all day grading them. So far, OK. The AAT kids did pretty well, but my Pre-Calc classes....well, not so well. I have a feeling there will be some unhappy faces come next week.
I got a call from our architect today. He said all four bids were over our budget, but he would work through the plans in the next few days to work out where he can change the plans to make the building cheaper. I knew this would happen, but trust he will work something out. I just want to get started.
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