Sorry for the lack of updates....there really has not been much going on this past week. Let me try to sum up....
1. Tika has continued her hormone treatment every day this week. She has to drive an hour to the doctor's office for a blood test every day, has to give herself a shot in the stomach every day, and has to sniff some stuff up her nose. I keep telling her she has a drug problem.....sniffing stuff up her nose, and carrying needles around....she refuses to go in for help though....haaha....
2. In relation to number 1 above, her hormones are where they should be, and the doctor today told her that her eggs are big and strong. We might be ready for egg harvesting next week....and I will need to follow her to donate my little guys to mix in with her little guys. At least for me, it is not a painful experience....
3. We had our first parent conference about Kayla this afternoon. The report was mostly good. She needs to work on self-confidence, however, when in a group. She is very shy talking in front of a group. She is a good student though, and is very sweet, kind, happy, and cooperative. Overall, we are pleased with her progress. They will learn how to cut and hold a pencil in the next few weeks....funny.
4. I played my first Colameco Cup golf match against a New Zealander, and kicked his butt 3 and 2 in a nine hole match. I didn't really play that well, but he played worse...so a win for the Americans. I think the Americans are leading in the race so far....I play an 18 hole match tomorrow against Dave Tarcy. I rarely beat him, so need to be on top of my game. I think he is a sandbagger as he claims a handicap of 18, but he shot a 37 the other day on a very difficult course....I think he is more like a 10 handicapper....oh well....would be great if I play well tomorrow.
5. The new iMac is amazing, and I love it. The only thing wrong is that I couldn't get it to connect to the internet. I got that fixed today....I had the wrong password entered, and found out the hard way....I brought my entire computer into the telcom office to have them enter the settings....pretty embarrassing when we found out it was the password that was wrong....
6. I heard earlier that my sister, Pam is going to have a baby girl. She already has two boys, so it is very exciting news to hear that she is going to have a girl. Pam, if you are reading this, sorry I didn't get back to you to congratulate you on your news. We told Kayla, and she is very excited to have another girl cousin.