I am kind of bummed I need to stop posting underwater shots...I have had a blast going through my old underwater shots, and sharing them on the blog this week...
Like I said last week, I have hundreds of underwater shots, and could keep posting every day for months, but time to move with some other stuff...
Here are three of my favorites that I have posted before. All three have been published. All three photos were taken in the Raja Ampat Islands near Sorong in Papua, Indonesia. The top one was taken at a dive site called, "The Passage". It is a really unique dive. As you can see in the photo, you can see trees through the surface. This dive is in the ocean, but it passes through limestone formations, so it feels like you are diving in a river...
very cool, and no place like it on Earth...

I like this shot because it just looks so Surreal...
Tough to see here on the web, but the print looks like a painting...

Finally, I like this shot because it took me so many years to finally find and actually photograph a Mandarin Fish. These little guys are tough to find, and are very shy. They only come out at dusk (to mate), and are very skittish. Since they come out at dusk, it is dark, and tough to get these little guys in the frame, in focus with no coral in the way, and correctly lit. They are very frustrating fish models...they just don't listen or cooperate with the photographer.
So, finally, I got this shot...I actually got a couple of keepers on the same dive...
I gotta say it is my favorite fish...just look at those colors...amazing.