Ok, I am going to take a break from posting a nice photo and fill you in on a little personal news. I actually started a new blog for my family (by invite only) where I have been posting personal news, photos of my daughter, Kayla, etc...and have transitioned this blog to a Photo Blog only...thought it would be more consistent that way...
But, rules were meant to be broken, so I am breaking my own rule, and will post some personal news today instead of featuring some nice photo...
I have been in Pulau Seribu (which means "thousand islands" in Indonesian) for the past two days enjoying some time out of Jakarta. These little islands (literally hundreds of them) are just off the coast of Jakarta about an hour's boat ride. It is like having your own private island for the weekend...really nice.
Below is a photo of the island just across from where we were staying...you can snorkel over to the island in just 10 minutes and lie on the small beach...really nice.

I spent most of my time lounged on this deck reading books...and every once in a while, roll into the water for a quick dive or swim...

The reefs have really been destroyed in the past 20 years due to over fishing, dynamite fishing and people being stupid...However, they are coming back...the government is finally starting to realize that preserving the reefs benefits everyone...

And finally, in other news...we actually spent our first night in our new house. We still don't have a shower, but we have one room finished enough with the all important AC to actually sleep...so, we are now living with the workers in our new house...they will be building around us while we try to somehow get things set up...
Oh, yea, the internet works great here!! No more problems!!
This is Kayla, who is very happy to be in our new house...
Back to the "Photo Blog" tomorrow...