I passed this guy while riding my bike....and then thought, "that would be a cool photo...", so I turned my bike around, grabbed my camera, and took the photo without him realizing I had done so...would have ruined the photo if he saw me.
By the way, taking photos while riding a bike is not easy. I have yet to figure out a good way to carry my camera for easy access while riding a bike. Always have to stop, get off the bike, take my backpack off, unload the camera, and then finally take the shot...by that time, what I want to take a photo of has usually lost its impact...some money could be made coming up with a good system for photographers on bikes...
By the way, taking photos while riding a bike is not easy. I have yet to figure out a good way to carry my camera for easy access while riding a bike. Always have to stop, get off the bike, take my backpack off, unload the camera, and then finally take the shot...by that time, what I want to take a photo of has usually lost its impact...some money could be made coming up with a good system for photographers on bikes...