We had breakfast after the climb up to Poon Hill, and then the four of us continued up-hill again to about the same height as Poon Hill...only the view was better at this point, and Dave and I wondered why we just didn't get up early and hike to this point instead of going up Poon Hill. We would have been an hour closer to our destination, and the view was better. So if you ever go to Poon Hill, and you are going to go to Totadapani, we recommend you skip Poon Hill, and just hike towards Totadapani, and stop at the summit for photos...

Sure am glad I wasn't carrying a load like this...

Dave took this photo of me (thanks, Dave) at the summit of this mere hill, probably higher than any mountain on the east coast of America, but in the Himilayas, it is probably considered only a hill. At each summit there are tons of prayer flags...makes for nice photos...

Ah, beer time at our Tea House at Totadapani...what a view from our little eating spot...