You all have seen photos of my house before on this blog. Last year, we booked our house sometimes three times a week for the filming of a Soap Opera. The Soap filmed their last episode in May. They make a huge mess of the house moving furniture around, putting their own artwork on the walls, cables and lights everywhere, and trash all over the place. BUT, when they finish filming at around 1:00 in the morning, they have these magicians sweep through the house putting things back in its place and cleaning the mess. Well, we haven't had a film crew in the house since we were in Hong Kong Last month until last night. Here is a quick photo from the upstairs balcony of the chaos below...BTW, it is a 5-exposure HDR processed in Photomatix as well as CS4...
Many people ask me..." how do you sleep when they are filming?" Well, the rules are: No filming in our bedroom or Kayla's bedroom after 8:00pm, and they must be quiet after 8:00pm, and out of the house no later than 1:00 am...they are pretty good about sticking to the rules, but one night they filmed a fight scene until late at night...that was noisy, and I kept thinking we were getting robbed...