Thursday, July 30, 2009

Inside Aya Sophia

This is an HDR photo made from a single RAW file. Since I was unable to carry a tripod into the Aya Sophia, I had to hand-hold the shot in the dark church. Why is it tripods are not allowed in certain places?? Really boggles the mind...what are they afraid of? I might get a good shot? I had asked the security guard when going in why I was not allowed to bring my tripod, and he had no idea...maybe they think photographers with tripods are terrorists or something...


Sagatun said...

Beautiful pic.
I think if you get a monopod they can`t stop you.

Tanja said...

Love the colors.
Maybe a monopod is accepted ?

Anonymous said...


Eve said...

There is so much depth to this photo! What a gorgeous building!

Hildegarde said...

No tripods because you are not supposed to make excellent shots (but you did it anyway, haha ! ;-) It is the same in a lot of musea and other great buildings such as the RĂ©al Alcazar in Sevilla (Spain). But why is that ?? I really don't understand.

sandy said...