Some empty wall space, a couple of coolers, some pots and pans, an empty bench...what do you have? A small "Toko" (store)...with what seems like millions of these small tokos in Jakarta, ya gotta wonder if people can actually make a living selling snacks and cigarettes...I guess they do...
Sorry for not posting a photo yesterday....It was "poker night" with the guys last night, and I got home late, and then had to work this morning....ya, I know, excuses excuses excuses....I did manage to break even last night, so that is a good thing!!
Sorry for not posting a photo yesterday....It was "poker night" with the guys last night, and I got home late, and then had to work this morning....ya, I know, excuses excuses excuses....I did manage to break even last night, so that is a good thing!!
Have a great weekend!!

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