I had the opportunity to visit one of the largest copper and gold mines in the world, Freeport, located in Western Papua. Although it was not nice to see the high mountains of Papua being carved out of the Earth, it was a fascinating tour. These trucks were incredibly large. To give you some perspective, those tires are 13 feet high, and cost over 42 thousand dollars each. The truck is 24 feet tall, and can carry over 380 tons of dirt. Pretty incredible machine...

Those are also used at the Alberta tar sands.The Caterpillar 797b 400 tons cap.I think I've got that right. posted by cj gordon
I really like your composition on this! It's really an eye-catcher photo!
Even with the perspective, you have to stand beside one of these machines to really appreciate how big they are. And I get to work on machines like these (including their smaller cousins) on a regular basis. Cheers!
Impresionante perspectiva; el tratamiento de la imagen es espectacular...Muy buen disparo.
Impresionante perspectiva; el tratamiento de la imagen es espectacular...Muy buen disparo.
Ok, the height is incredible in itself, but $42,000.00 each? OMG!
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