I have been reading through many of my favorite photography forums about the Leica M9. Always a good read and entertaining. I laugh at myself when reading these forums because I find myself only reading the good stuff about the M9 to help justify my thoughts on the camera. I do read the bad stuff too, but I always get a sinking feeling in my gut when I read those because it counters what I really want. It is like I have those two little devils sitting on my shoulder, one of them (The Leica Devil) saying, "Just get it, man....what are ya waiting for?" The other saying, "Dude...the money...DUDE...THE MONEY....you could get a new housing for your underwater camera for less than that stupid little camera".
You think these kids think about stuff like this....??
Not likely...
They just wonder why this crazy bald, white guy is sticking a lens in their face while they try to play a game of chess...
You think these kids think about stuff like this....??
Not likely...
They just wonder why this crazy bald, white guy is sticking a lens in their face while they try to play a game of chess...

Get the camera man, we want to se your pictures from that little gold-nugget.
Is that what you want to hear?
Ha ha...I won't share your comment with my wife.
but between you and me...yep, that is exactly what I want to hear....lol
I really enjoy the content of your pics. So much to look at and enjoy!
Cool. I hope to afford a wide angle lens some day. Great effect :-)
Typical Asian scene and pretty interesting. Have you been to any Philippine places?
oh wow! stunningly beautiful! go get the Leica. :D
Great shot!
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