Still playing around and experimenting with textures...
Workin' on a few things before I reveal my source of these great textures, and the tutorial on how to use them...BUT, will let you know soon...
As you have all probably heard, there was a terrible earth quake here in Indonesia. Jakarta was spared, thank goodness, but Padang, Sumatra (just Northwest of us here in Java) were hit hard, and they are still digging and hoping to find survivors...thousands are missing and the death toll rises daily. My heart and prayers go out to those folks suffering after this tragedy...
Workin' on a few things before I reveal my source of these great textures, and the tutorial on how to use them...BUT, will let you know soon...
As you have all probably heard, there was a terrible earth quake here in Indonesia. Jakarta was spared, thank goodness, but Padang, Sumatra (just Northwest of us here in Java) were hit hard, and they are still digging and hoping to find survivors...thousands are missing and the death toll rises daily. My heart and prayers go out to those folks suffering after this tragedy...

Hey, first of all sorry for not commenting so much lately Scotty. I am pretty busy at work and at home.
I have been catching up and I still fancy your photos and editing.
I spend a lot of time watching PS tutorials at and I am learning a lot.
Keep up the good work Scotty, you are an inspiration when it comes to editing photos. :-)
Wow, pretty busy and lots of colour!
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