Happy Friday!!
I am off to Lombok this week, so will be pre-scheduling my posts for next week using photos from my archives...Since I just had my 1000th post to this blog, I will feature some of my favorite photos from this blog next week while I am gone...see you all in a week!!
In the meantime, don't forget to check out all the great skies from around the world HERE!!
I am off to Lombok this week, so will be pre-scheduling my posts for next week using photos from my archives...Since I just had my 1000th post to this blog, I will feature some of my favorite photos from this blog next week while I am gone...see you all in a week!!
In the meantime, don't forget to check out all the great skies from around the world HERE!!

Is it on purpose(your composition) or is it smoke coming out of the mountaintop(read vulcano)???
Anyhow a great treatment again Scotty. Would love to visit your part of the world :-)
Have a great weekend with your wonderful family
Incredible capture as always. Your work is always impressive. I hope you're a professional.
Excellent composition as always and yeah these bell-like structures are just awesome.
Awesome Photograph
Hey Ivar...That is Mount Merapi, and yes, that is smoke coming out of it...it was supposed to have a major eruption a couple of years ago, but it didn't come. However, the earth quakes that hit central Java were certainly related to Merapi.
Oh my how cooool
What an amazing photograph
My first thought was that this has to be one of those computer generated shots they use for strange planets in the Star Trek universe - I have never seen anything like this before! The bells, the regular shape of the mountains, the colours in the sky!!! Awesome!!!
Incredible, stunning, dramatic! Don't have enough words to describe this fantastic capture, Scotty! Oh, yes, I do hope you're a professional -- if not, you should be! Hope you have a great trip, look forward to your shots when you return.
This is great version of these picture.
I like the colours!
Amazing. I get this 3D feeling and would like to take å walk in your picture ;)
BTW - Lombok means wallet in Norwegian, lol. So while I am walking around in a picture, you are walking around in a wallet ;)
Love the bell like stuctures and lovely sunset/rise. Thanks for sharing Scotty and have a good trip:)
Incredible shot. I love the dark colors below and the bright orange above. Very otherwordly.
O, my god, what a superb picture, well done, love the scenery, the colors, the dept, everything, u done a stunning job!!!!
Have a happy SWF, this post is great!!!
colours structures, landscape we don't often get to see, all adds up to a fabulous view for sky watch friday.
That is an absolutely awesome picture! Really great!
Beautiful, looks like a 3D version of the most special place.
WOW, for some reason reminds me on LOTR!
Scotty: Outstanding as expected.
One of the most beautiful pictures i have ever seen!!! LoOKKK....
Amazing photograph, Thank sou so much for sharing your work
Totally awesome photo, definitely my favorite. I love the colors and the scene is all just amazing. It looks like a photo out of a movie.
this is breathtaking. Love it love it love it!
Amazing photo.I have never seen anything like this,beautiful:)
What an awesome sunrise, and a very interesting foreground. Thanks for sharing, and I wish you a good trip to Lombok.
Oh WOW! that's wonderful and beautiful place and pix. It's really amazing!
Truly awesome.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
As always I can count on something different posted on your Skywatch Friday blog. Excellent quality image!
Joyce M
That's an amazing sight, Scotty. The composition is just stellar. Have a good weekend.
wow, scotty! this is indeed a very nice skywatch! btw, what treatment did you use in this photo? care to share? :)
happy skywatching!
wow! they are huge and they are captured so well. I could almost feel their texture by just touching my pc screen.
as always, am always your fan, Scotty!
congrats to the 1005th post!
Lovely shots. I love those giant bells (am I ruight?)
Here's a Korean Sunset.
Your work is always impressive.
My Bangkok Through My Eyes!
You got a Posty: I want to give 15 postcards :)
What an amazing photo. Nice work.
What an amazing photo. Nice work.
This is gorgeous. I agree with those who said it looks other-worldly. Would make a great poster!
wow, simply amazing! I am speechless!
Oh wow- Incredible colors in the sky-heaven.Amazing.;-) greetings Manuela
awesome! happy travels.
This is an absolutely stunning photo. From the architecture of the stones to the brilliance of the sunset, gorgeous.
What a beautiful view! What are these structures? - They look like bells.
You have so many magical photos, sublime.
Your photography continues to amaze and inspire.
Dear Scott!
As Always your photos always take my breath away adn jealous :p hahaha and wish that If I could have a little piece of your talent and skill.
1000th Post! So Kool!! Congrats for many more!
Have fun in Lombok Then!
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