Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Happy Belated Birthday, Tika

While I was in Vegas, Tika's birthday passed (Sept. 7th), so we celebrated today. The big hit was Mom and Dad's present...a necklace and bracelet (picture above)...Tika and Kayla went wild over the new jewelry. I bought her a new Crystal thing a ma jig, but it took second seat to Mom and Dad's done good Mom and Dad.

I am off to Singapore for yet another school trip tomorrow after school for a student government leadership conference. I am escorting the high school's top kids to the student run conference. All the 6 IASAS schools will be there with their top kids. We take the four presidents of the classes, and then two more from leadership positions. It is usually a very well run conference...the kids do a great job setting it all up. We might be hosting the conference next year, so our kids need to pay close attention. I will get back on Sunday, and that should be it for travel until November....I think.

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