So, I made a trip today to the place where all of Jakarta's garbage ends up. It was not a pretty sight, nor did it smell nice, but it was an incredible experience. It was mind blowing, actually. These people make their living picking through the garbage looking for plastic, wood, aluminum, and other things they can sell. One guy told me he sells plastic for 1000 rupiah (about 10 cents) per kilo. I am not sure how many kilos per day he collects, but even if he collected 100 kilos of plastic, he would only make 10 dollars...can you imagine working in such a place for less than 10 bucks a day?? was really an eye opening experience...

so sad...
ou have to feel ashamed to see these images, what is left is what some people need to survive. A great picture for a sad picture. Greetings.
Rubbish!! Nice capture .... bet it was also a nasal opening experience.
Oh mio Dio !
Tremenda immagine di povertà e desolazione....
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